Record Company

Record Company

La Top Records è una storica casa discografica italiana fondata a Milano nel 1976, da sempre operativa in Galleria del Corso 4, nel famoso palazzo della musica a Milano.


Dingo Music

Publishing Co.

Dingo Music seleziona per il suo repertorio editoriale canzoni inedite di ogni genere musicale. Dingo Music, che vanta fra l'altro un primo premio al Festival di Sanremo (1998), rappresenta cataloghi editoriali esteri ed è rappresentata in varie nazioni.



Productions Management

La SMOKING productions che ha all'attivo produzioni di grande successo in Italia e all'estero cura molte nostre produzioni artistiche e management.


The Dingo Music editions, founded by Guido Palma in 1980 has a very large repertory: Pop, Rock, Easy and Italian orchestral folk music.
Famous song writers works with Dingo Music: Massimo Luca (song writer, composer and producer of many artist like Annalisa Minetti, Gianluca Grignani, Lighea, Paola and Chiara..), Paola Palma, Peppino Principe, Luigi Albertelli etc..
International song writers has also worked with Dingo Music.
These are some of the services that Dingo Music is able to offer to you:
- Catalogues of every kind of music to synchronize advertising,istitutional, industrial and didactic films for TV broadcasting or privat use;
- Representation in sole agency for Italy of prestige Music Libraries;
- Original soundtracks for the advertising, for cinema and for the theatre;
Dingo Music won the Festival of Sanremo in 1998 with Annalisa Minetti that sang the song "Senza te o con te" (With or without you).
Dingo Music has a distribution of its own. The editorial group (Top Records/Dingo Music), that has many italian and international artists in its catalogue, some are very famous, and like to let everybody know its availability of collaboration with partners all over the world (evan in Joint Venture) to make the group grow in Europe and in the world.
For further informations contact by Phone, Fax or E-mail.
Voice Fax: +39 02 7602.1141
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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